Alice in Wonderland
This is my final semester in B.Tech, Civil Engineering at IIT Madras. Ideally, I should be busy doing my project and getting the 'results' by now. But, I belong to the majority.. the class of not-so-ideal people (being politically correct).
I generally crash by 2:30 types. But recently the administrative elite of our institute decided that there won't be internet working between 1 am and 4 am everyday; so that kids would sleep in time. But the idea backfired - atleast in my case. As a consequence to their decisions, I have been staying awake till the net gets back, browse for an hour and then sleep. So I sleep at 5 am in the night (rather morning), miss all possible classes and get up in the afti. Many a time I end up missing lunch.
But yesterday was different. I didn't keep track of time. I never bothered if it was 4 am. I read a part of Alice in Wonderland recently. I was recollecting the kinda surprises Alice encounters and her reactions to those unexpected conditions. Was she innocent? Ignorant? Capricious? Curious? Was she looking for a change in her routine? Or was she pretending to be brave? May be one of them. Or may be all of them.
What struck me the most was this incident. She keeps wandering through the wonderland. She suddenly finds that there are two diverging ways. She is confused. She finds Humpty-Dumpty sitting on a wall near by.
She asks him, innocently, " which way should I take?"
He asks, "where do you want to go?"
Thats an obvious question asked by person who's seen the place. He can't guide you unless you tell him what your destination is.
But Alice replies, "I pretty much don't know".
Then he answers, "then, it doesn't matter which way you take".
I find this situation pretty close to that of our's. We are all roaming in our wonderlands. To some of us, it might be life in engineeirng or a medical or a law college. To many of my friends and my self, it's been IIT. A priceless achievement, for which we toiled for 2 long years. A coveted goal for which our mothers got up at 4 am in the morning to cook breakfast for us. This is where we longed to belong. But, we saw this as a destination. Just a destination. We never planned our travel beyond this. We vaguely thought, we would go to IIMs, Universities abroad, lucrative jobs and what not. That too after substantial damage was done to our CGPA's. In the beginning we were in the same position as Alice - innocent, ignorant, fickle-minded, over confident, trying to differentiate ourselves from our neighbors etc, etc, etc.
Just as Alice had Humpy-Dumpty, we have our seniors, professors and some despo frienz who already got this gyan (Uh oh.. they are just the manifestaions of my jealosy for my frienz who were quicker to realise that they wud get screwed unless they take up the job of reconstructing their career goal maps). But who's fualt is it? Alice's?.. for not asking which way you ought to take to reach what destination. Or is it Humpty-Dumpty's fault for not showing concern for an innocent kid lost in an alien world. I think either of them is faulty. But who has the bigger share?
Well.. I'm still thinking. If you are thinking as well, please care to post your thoughts.
I generally crash by 2:30 types. But recently the administrative elite of our institute decided that there won't be internet working between 1 am and 4 am everyday; so that kids would sleep in time. But the idea backfired - atleast in my case. As a consequence to their decisions, I have been staying awake till the net gets back, browse for an hour and then sleep. So I sleep at 5 am in the night (rather morning), miss all possible classes and get up in the afti. Many a time I end up missing lunch.
But yesterday was different. I didn't keep track of time. I never bothered if it was 4 am. I read a part of Alice in Wonderland recently. I was recollecting the kinda surprises Alice encounters and her reactions to those unexpected conditions. Was she innocent? Ignorant? Capricious? Curious? Was she looking for a change in her routine? Or was she pretending to be brave? May be one of them. Or may be all of them.
What struck me the most was this incident. She keeps wandering through the wonderland. She suddenly finds that there are two diverging ways. She is confused. She finds Humpty-Dumpty sitting on a wall near by.
She asks him, innocently, " which way should I take?"
He asks, "where do you want to go?"
Thats an obvious question asked by person who's seen the place. He can't guide you unless you tell him what your destination is.
But Alice replies, "I pretty much don't know".
Then he answers, "then, it doesn't matter which way you take".
I find this situation pretty close to that of our's. We are all roaming in our wonderlands. To some of us, it might be life in engineeirng or a medical or a law college. To many of my friends and my self, it's been IIT. A priceless achievement, for which we toiled for 2 long years. A coveted goal for which our mothers got up at 4 am in the morning to cook breakfast for us. This is where we longed to belong. But, we saw this as a destination. Just a destination. We never planned our travel beyond this. We vaguely thought, we would go to IIMs, Universities abroad, lucrative jobs and what not. That too after substantial damage was done to our CGPA's. In the beginning we were in the same position as Alice - innocent, ignorant, fickle-minded, over confident, trying to differentiate ourselves from our neighbors etc, etc, etc.
Just as Alice had Humpy-Dumpty, we have our seniors, professors and some despo frienz who already got this gyan (Uh oh.. they are just the manifestaions of my jealosy for my frienz who were quicker to realise that they wud get screwed unless they take up the job of reconstructing their career goal maps). But who's fualt is it? Alice's?.. for not asking which way you ought to take to reach what destination. Or is it Humpty-Dumpty's fault for not showing concern for an innocent kid lost in an alien world. I think either of them is faulty. But who has the bigger share?
Well.. I'm still thinking. If you are thinking as well, please care to post your thoughts.
baaga raasavu........ but sadly that shud have occurred to u in the 4th sem...beyond that its not useful...still its better late than never........ so be happy...
Naveen, at 8:26 PM
it was a very interesting post...its the first time I have been to ur coming back to my take on this: I guess realization(ie knowing ur destination) itself is a part of learning process and on the postive side i feel that there is no such a thing like "final destination" and life as such is a continuous journey...i may have sounded philosophical but still on the practical side its never late to plan ahead...
Anonymous, at 8:09 PM
Your pen is purporting your thoughts very well dude!
Anonymous, at 10:33 PM
Nice one man. Oddly all of us are cought in the 'rat race' of life. And thatz the reason you are thinking about all this. I am not an exception so let me go on.... Whose fault was that - Alice's of HD's.. further qn's - why is HD responsible for any action of alice's .. why should he care.... why should he be responsible....isn't alice responsible for her own life... hence the fault is all alice's.... to be precise - she was very short sighted... she was afraid of choice/change ... similar is our situation in the fourth year.. we are scared of the change.. many of us end up enjoying the "success" of getting into iit and forget to look at the long run goals. by the time we realize that there is something to be done... alas Timez Up!!!! be happy that you realized it atleast now.... may be that is something iit has tought to u other than the hi-fi civil engg.
well enough of views.. bye
Anonymous, at 5:33 PM
First, Let me praise a bit on this blog.....The blog is too much and I think i will be short of words praising it......As far the Alice is concerned, I feel that "As there is no end in this process of winning or losing" everything u do counts, It just happened that we picked a few of the infinite experiences in this life.Let me stop here..again we can be philosophical or we mayn't..again its a choice of choosing some experiences...So the ultimate of a person as i feel should be to make himself happy whereever and what ever he chooses....And with what my little bit of experience..A person can be happy only if he follows the right conduct..again we need definitions for right conduct...Its finally the persons choice and His LUCk that his way turning finally a good one....
Anonymous, at 12:21 AM
Nice one!
Gaju Krishna, at 10:53 PM
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